Arrived at around 10:30 and caught half an hour of Emile on the decks in the kitchen, again the system was sounding punchy and the dubstep had people moving. Dropping some big tunes including Emal Kay - Mecha, personal favourite. Jon shortly arrived drunk and lairy we skanked a little then went for a stroll round med bar, had a phone call from Emma Vengance telling me she could see me and that I should turn around, I did and she was stood opposite me, a fantastic waste of credit but fun none the less...
Emile pon deck
The smoking area was rammed! with loads of familiar faces I floated aimlessly for about half an hour. Found Karl n Ruby and all the rabble (big up Mel cause I know this is her favourite blog) Wished Ruby happy birthday and got a great list of the wonderful gifts she had acquired. Karl explained the complications of picking a suitable DJ name and having to relabel all his demo Cd's (Hold tight the mix will be up here soon)
It started to get a bit chilly and it was past 1am so I went inside to check out Logistics. Disappointed with the appearance of Bassman but impressed with the quality of tunes from Logistics, taking his music in a new direction of much techier beats, definitely a big move! Once again found a spot just inside the med bar and appreciated the music with a head nod. No space to move on the dance floor at all.
An hour passed and High Contrast graced the 1210s with a whole host of Hospital classics and rolling anthems, some may have said cheesy (including myself) but the crowd loved it. By this point I was quite frustrated with how rammed the place was and retired to a sofa by the bar to chat with Missy and a few others.
Finally the last set of the night from Cyantific, quality set. I had seem him the previous week and his set was good, this time even better. As some of the "non-handlers" had left the venue there was finally room to dance and Cyantific laid down the tunes in order for me to do so. Sadly on my own as Jon had left early (Lame) Manik hosted with some comical stylings over the mic at times. The night came to a close with Subfocus - Timewarp a Ram records special that is an absolute stomper!
Finally, hold tight this guy who shouted "BETTER LATER THAN NEVER" at me as he walked past, I explained he had made a near fatal error, I let him off due to the adverse effects of certain substances. Anyway you requested a pic on the blog and here it is (please less hugging next time)
Home to bed!
A very busy night for Med Bar, good vibes but far too busy for me!
nice review - "(please less hugging next time)" this bit made me 'lol' !!
told ya id be here lol
delayed comment through lack of life! Since med bar was heaving with a variety lets say we went back to ruby n karls for some birthday celebration and did they show us a good time:O u no how they do ;)lol
How nice is rubes jacket, she wanted me to get the other colour lol. did u see her new zippo me n egg got her? i dont no if she took it out actually bein careful its toooo cool.
fixed! cnt wait
have u seen the leaflet uhhh .
peace, best blogger in town
mel x:P
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