Firstly, on Saturday morning I woke up and read the Guardian Guide (we're a civilized bunch out 'ere in West, you Sun readers don't know much about us) and saw the following Current TV advert, I'm seeing them everywhere, and who else should I see featured in said advert!? Londons own Kesh! She's everywhere.. the world domination continues - all the best to her.

Expanding on my previous South Bank post.. I highly don't recommend 'Gourmet Pizza' it's in a great location but the food there was fraff to the fullest, I didn't even feel the need to take pictures - that's how bad it got. Obviously my night was made wonderous by holding my companions up with the slow shutter pictures.. there's so much I want to do with this technique.. just need to find the right locations.
I also held back a few pictures in the previous post - but here they are in all their splendour. I return to Norwich tomorrow - but am arranging a meeting with Bayo from Juno in Shoreditch - after which our club night shall hopefully have an amazing venue, and then the true planning can begin - BNTL captains meeting soon coming.
Anyway - pictures.. One last thought - I badly need a tripod.. If anyone is parting company with theirs at a fairly reasonable price, let me know.


Well, I know it's all a bit centred around the National Theatre, but the lights it gives off is perfect for the slow shutter thing.

Not really a fan of these last two, but I was being rushed, what can I say??
More soon!
"we're a civilized bunch out 'ere in West, you Sun readers don't know much about us"
LMAO iv been killed off like a animal for his fur.
Watch it Lego, you'll have that Harrods lot all over us, but I guess it's publicity!
Funnily I'm reading a book about branding. I need to reach out to Kesh on a few pointers on self branding.
Those south bank pics you took are serious am really feelin them still!
roc money - Not to take the piss or anything but would be a much better alternative on the self branding issue.
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