A particular highlight of the night: I defied God, science & Wikipedia by postponing New Years Day countdown by 3 minutes past midnight and didn't tell anyone.

Welcome to Sodom.

The avenue to your wildest dreams.

Viv alias DJ Cavalry. The foremost shoobz soldier. Held down the wheels of steel for 9 hours with continuous bangers- under pressure from a consequently blown amp, a blown left-speaker and a table held up by a box of VHS tapes. Deepest appreciation.

Dominique, the cook. Maliha, the balloonist. Thank you ladies.

Brother Double F. Christened Weeeeeedman by a choir of revellers. Served up 30+ zoots & blunts for the masses with his ganja-preparation-cushion laid down on the kitchen counter. Thank you sir.

Lovers in the house. Dirty dancing on an open floor before most had even arrived. Thanks for the wank-material.

Roxi & A.A. Meeting Friends, ON IT, nuffin' long.

The fam. Aisha, Nafe, Kareem, Daniel & Renaldo (missing a few other key members). Much love from day dot.

Your Blog-Allah Matthew and his band of Merry Midnight Goons.

The Lounge laid out on the upstairs landing for coaxing inebriated women into sexual relations. I provided 6 pillows for this. Thank you Shan 'Fluffybwoy' Phearon.

At some point it transformed into a Choice FM rave in the backroom.

No, really. This is when Cameo- Candy dropped. (The room was actually dark with some flashing lights, but the camera-flash makes it look fully lit- allow that notion.)

No, honestly. This gentleman grinded this woman's gargantuan bottom into the carpet till there were shit stains even the Vanish couldn't extract the next morning.

Holy cow- is that the main guy from the hit motion picture Superbad?

This girl was having an intense conversation with some guy who was in fact dead.

Yours truly + new friend Camelia. Young lady had the baddest MHI jacket on with a little yellow banana reminiscent of The Velvet Underground's debut LP cover on the left bosom. I stared for arts sake.

In the front drive, Jordan + flock of humans. 'Tis my boy who put up his home for sacrifice. He fervently admired this shot of the back of his head the next morning when I showed it to him. He has tremendous hair.

Women. In the kitchen. Where they belong (or so say the Saudi Arabians).

Sayuri + Lover. Bare dramas going on all over the house, in every room, particularly upstairs- believe me.

Kareem alias K Master Flash + Ola. Initial plan was to come dressed as a pipe-smoking bear, ended up as a budget version of the Kanye West bear.

7am, we're tryna get rid of this wasted chick who sneakily went to asleep on the front-room sofa and refused to go home. SO, I told Kareem to grab the electric guitar and play the 'Get The Fuck Out Please Song' accompanied by fuzzy twang noises in her ear. Homeboy looks like Brian May from Queen.

The first afternoon on the first day of 2008. The 'friends' think they're funny. Wankers.

FutureSexLoveSounds '08?

Disco Balls McVivian.

Disco Balls McPhearon.
To those who failed to attend due to some invalid scepticism- hope you enjoyed your wine & cheese gatherings.
To all those who were in the house gettin' buckwild- thanks for believing. I was just tryna to bring alot of good people together, think I succeeded.
Nothing but admiration and respect for The Fam Ones (K, Nafe, J, D, Ren, Aisha, Mal, Dom, Jason, Rods, Sam, Viv, Shnickens + additional supporters and investors close to man's heart, thy know).
Watch out for Version 2: The Big Summer BBQ Shoobz, and The Big NYE Shoobz '08, location T.B.C., could be a yard, a club or even a field.
Next time, bring your gats.
fucking great post. makes me wish I was there, instead of being K.O. in between the Amsterdam canals..hmm.. great pictures aswell! x
I must say a few captions had me rolling on the floor!
BIG post, I know where I wish I had been on NYE.
Bless all the folks stood outside of JoyRIDE with no hope of getting in Happy New Year to you !
...Most probably THE best NYE event i've attended in years....the right amount of peeps....great music....amazing decor *pats self on back*...that night was ON.
Getting fuckfaced and yet still having the best time....that's a sign of a good time.
Well documented post too.
Great party and absolutely spiffing photographs showing the true alcoholic nature of the 'ethnic soldiers' (our posse for NYE)
Looking forward to the Summer BBQ =)
Ok u guys win for the EFFORT!
Looks dope.
LOL...Shan is a fool!
Matt invited me but i was so tired from work i couldn't be bothered.
Mos def hitting the BBQ jam, bringing an AR15 and a few rocket launchers too.
As Santana say, AY!
I hope Nick Griffin of the BNP happens upon this blog and quakes in his bloody boots!
The 'ethnics' (as Roxalot calls them) are coming and taking over your country with wicked NYE parties.
Just joking...the party was sick! Really enjoyed myself; brilliant music (thank you Mr DJ) and loads of gorgeous people there who were all very friendly. Everyone on the same vibe catching joke!
That picture of Shan with the disco ball is cool...very arty!
You should deffo do it again guys!
...get your own show
nuff said
i would like to state to the masses that i also blew up an abundance of balloons that night.My lips tasted rather strange for a good while after.
I cant remember much of the night,but props to all especially Jordan for having the party and to Maliha for looking after me.Whooooooooooooooopa!!!xxx
Thanks to EVERYONE who attended the classic NYE party. If you missed it then you're a dick or a pussy depending on your sex. HA!!
Thanks to those who appreciated the DJ(me) even through the trials of the disabled amp and speakers! I provided the tunes but without you guys it would've been for nothing! Thanks for making my night as special for me as it was for you!
See you guys at the next party... We'll throw it down again!!
Bless you Dominique! Why did no one take pics of the countdown balloons?! That was like one of the best bits?!
Damn, us lot really whitened the tone of the party...........
shiiit! i know camilia lol.
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