The music wasnt bad....did the job anyway.
The countdown was fast approaching and there i am waiting for Cliff Richards to hit the mic but instead the DJ dropped Rage Against The Machine -'Justify'. WTF???
Best decision ever the place erupted into a massive mosh pit. I lost my hat, i dropped my camera and im sure i seen death at the bottom of it all.
The night came to an end at about 4 then we all headed to Cassies for a cheeky after party. Things got real messy and i think i passed out at about 10 only to wake to find i was sleepin in a big puddle of wine. Jeans and socks soaked through.....not impressed.
Decided to call it a day at around 1pm and proceeded with the taxi/train journey home.
Last memory of the beloved hat RIP.....



What happened last night?.....

In sumary this was a very messy night that finished a great year. Most of the people in these pics is the reason this years been so special so props to them.
Ollie x
Yesss mate :D
2007 has been dope too me
2008 should be better
my ynew years res
get famous :D
gotta love drunken nye pictures=] hehe.. shame of ur hat though!
that song is called killing in the name of, unless it was the gash remix, i never know as a bling rage hits me after the first three notes.
qaulity night though, thanks for all the good times this year homie. here's to T08LESS BITCHES.
* blind, not bling. bling rage. i'll bet mr. t gets that shit all the time.
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