My man really thought it was summer time, all he needed was a dog and a push-bike to complete the look..

Clima Fit (KILLER! I 'aint seen one of these for agggeees)
No Sleeved Hoodie
3/4 lengths
Some high 3-lion England socks with...
FAKE Am95s (real know real)
Now I 'aint one to insult another's clothing but fuck, its January 28th and even I was cold in a chunky woolly cardigan and a jumper! If you're dressed like that.. shame on you! I blame the schools personally..
Hold tight to my boy Mister Cee the edible wall paper was officiall showerface monga movements watch out for it on a wall near you..

SHIT SHIT SHIT news FLASH I nearly forgot to mention..
McDonalds are now giving out A levels! thats the biggest crock of shit I've come accross so far this year!!

SEE! Mac D's is shit indeed! Im always right!
That guys serious. Those three quarters are legit wear in the winter weather...
Yea.....that looks like something that dude Dobson might wear! haha
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