Rather than introduce ourselves, newest recruits Kesi and I, have decided to introduce each other (call me modest and call Kesi whatless)! We've only known each other six months so it should be interesting to see how we portray each other. Before I start though I'd just like to say 'Hello' to all the readers (hope I can keep you as entertained as the rest of 'em do) and to my fellow bloggers - it's good to be on board!
Kesi's genius lies in the art of storytelling. No word of a lie, an institutionalised compulsive liar couldn't come up with the shit that comes out of her mouth - kooky antics galore! The only difference is, every utterance is true! I'd put it down to the sheer magnetism of her nature and the fact that she wouldn't, even if she could, avoid such sticky situations.
Her ambitions in life have absolutely nowt to do with Philosophy; She only goes to uni to have a fallback option incase her fledgling Burlesque career fails!
She could give any Hip Hop maestro worthy of his stripes a run for his money when it comes to The Works & Life of Sean Carter a.k.a Jay-Z. And do not even get me started on her renditions on Madlib's Accordion ("DHOO DHOO DHOO-DHOO")
Her idiosyncrasises is what makes her my most unique friend. Kesi likes to team intricately designed snowflake-esque earrings with chunky, worn-in Jordan kicks. She frivolously spends her dough on designer make-up but refuses to replace her handbag which used to be gold and is now peeling and the straps are hanging by threads! Kesi also likes to pretend she has just spotted someone she is desperate to dodge, and then marches up to their mug, smile beaming and waving profusely as if she's shaking the shit off her fingers
And I've only scratched the surface. I'm telling you all this trivial information because I think you ought to know!
Expect to at least subconsciously nod in agreement, scream at your computer screen in utter disbelief or piss your pants laughing with or at her - but stay tuned, because in the word's of The Jam, "That's Entertainment" and that's Kesi's speciality!
Haha, what an accurate depiction of Kesi that was. Every day another crisis, and if you ask about the aforementioned crisis at the end of the day, she's already on to the next one.. Not forgetting the 'important emails' and 'serious talks'.. What a star. Welcome aboard!
ohh shut up matthew. your my partner in crime.you aid me in my troubled lifestyle.i see the crisis of the ' long overdue essays' and ' my achy legs are preventing me from working' looming in the horizon.
posting from a computer somewhere in uni!
Welcome to both of you! Should be fun to read something from 2 dope chicks. It is not a man's world apparently! x
OMG! The cutest thing I've seen all day a.k.a Kesi is on board?!
-Does running man dance-
ohhh kevin.
you do make me laugh....
hope u found your shoes mr!!
Hi kesi ('',)
No...I didn't find my trainers :(
Ebay is now my only hope
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