Store layout:


Word to your moms:

All in all the store has fortified my already existing belief that staff can make or break a store and that English stores tend to adopt an unhelpful and elitist attitude rather than just embracing people whom embrace them.
Man i hear you. Why is it that someone can be so friendly on road then as soon as they become a Sales Assistant they turn into this arrogant fooool?!
I cant work it out. The worst thing is it seems to be encouraged by the top dogs.
BAPE - BIGGEST Cunts since day!
Never been welcomed on the odd three or four times I have visited.
You're a sales assistant. That doesn't give you superiority!
If you read this - sort out your conceited ways!
man, that little Ron has got one of the most annoying faces ever!! well punchable.
haha. how do you know what i get upto dude? peeps see my face. what i don't do is document every little aspect of my life and post up pointless pictures of myself "being cool". facebook generation shmucks.
ps. ive got a big prick!
shickens and witts have steez, its not all hating.
at no point have your comments been criticisms, there just the pointless comments of a hurt, sad sole.
its also a poitnless venture coz for all we know you could be any nonce whos opion doesnt matter, so we need a name.
thing is you talk like you know man. stop begging it!!!
its a blog you dren, you ment to blog aspects of your life. if you dont like it fuck off.
and if you do wanna try a punch anyone try punching me....
So Jack, You are the big man on this blog and not Ron. You appear to be a very angry young lad, maybe you have been hurt or are a lost soul ( see spelling! sole is that thing on the bottom of your tier 0 nikes!!)
maybe you should enroll on a basic English grammer course dude, your writing steez are so sloppy.
as far as not liking the blog, i have not said anything along those lines. the blog is good, matt's photos are always sick, some of the features are on-point, the gulp art stuff is always intersting, witts night out posts are always dope,tanone is a fresh writer, ollie danger is funny, etc.. it's mostly entertaining. the only problem i have with it is Ron. My opinions ( and thats all they are) should be irrelevant to you, seems like i've touched a nerve with a few of you?
cool down.
Hahahaha how could you have a problem with Ron? That makes no sense to me. If you rate us so highly, and know that we think Ron is the livest guy you should just take our word for it.
just come and see me bruv. its easy
yo matthew. thanks for responding with a reasonable tone. I didn't realise i would cause so much fuss. I'm sure Ron is a top lad and you are obviously all a tight-knit group, thats cool. i was just thinking out loud. i only posted further comments because your guys were getting silly with the comments, ie prick and fag.
keep doing your thing guys, don't be worrying about old-timers like me!
grow up Jack.
jack, you wouldn't last 5 minutes in my home town bro.
you are not expressing valid opinions on ron, you are just being fucking rude and there is no need.
why are you watching how another man looks anyway?!
it´s embarassing for you.
the shop looks sick, and the neek pics too. you look like you are having the livest time in the states. im envious.
your home town you berk. you dont know me bruv, tell me where you home town is and we can talk. you lot can see my name and see my face. i aint hiding behind ANY anon status.
my home town is BOW bruv, im there all day.
kid jones STOP BEGGING.
On further commenting, you don't seem like an un-reasonable person, so I'm not sure why you came with an idle threat in the first place?? Seems hypocritical.
leave me out of it jack, that anon comment has nothing to do with me. i ain't begging anything dude, i work full time. just smoke something dude, all this anger is not good for the SOLE!
the only reason i mentioned you in any comment is because you called me a fag. i'm sure you are a very hard young man.
matthew, like i said bro, i was thinking out loud, kinda wish i never did now!! i never meantmy comment to be construed as a threat, it would be mindless, i live in HULL, you guys are all in London, i only visit for arsenal games and to visit my boy in crouch end. i'm certainly not gonna be punching anyone whilst i'm there.
ps. i know....HULL is not hip or happening, don't start ragging me for that too!!!
tanone. do you know any of the writers from Hull?
Paris, Xenz, Eco, Pinky, etc....
write in English Jack. is that another comment directed at me bro?
Just allow it all now, we're not making headway. Deep post Ronnie.
I understand people have varying opinions about each other but if your planning in leaving threatening comments it helps if you provide legitimate reasoning, e.g. for punching someone in the face.
The only reconciliation i can see for your violent antics is your a fan of the gunners, i also attend the games so in that respect its all love.
co-sign. Man in bape are wasted. 25 years old and still working low-end retain but somehow thinking they have status becuase they work for a brand that is proped up by 12 year olds and soljah boy fans....
Deadout youts
Hmm even in the States though you get some ironically unhelpful/unfriendly Sales 'assistants'. Bape , Supreme, even Stussy in NY, DQM had the safest staff.
Tis a shame but it seems to be a streetwear thing, worldwide.
Agreed VLBG. Daves always come correct.
Looks very, very , very live.
Carharrt has the safest workers in my opinion.
Also word is Hideout is closing down...good riddance...?
The guys on this blog seem well versed and educated,unlike jack who comes across like a total spaz,dude cant spell,his grammar is in the gutter...what happened mate did you skip school? because you such a badman from bow.
Jack people from your "ends" tell me that your pops was ?
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