Long for the black ones dropping next week.. 100% certified coppage. Thanks to Craig for the discount.
ALSO in consumption news.. £4.99 from Uniqlo for esential winter head gear.. Don't watch face, the wind changed direction and I've been stuck like this ever since -

cant lie saw those a few months back and thought FUCKING HELL ! ! !
straight butter on the feet . . .
personally don't think the black will be half as nice though
Ah man.. the black is going to be very necessary. Don't seriously think I'll buy them now I have the white ones though... hmmmm
nice. where'd you cop? there's a vans in the new westfield centre apparently, might have to pop in...
Also went to Size? and was told next week. Went to Vans too and tried on the fleece lined chukkas, which are amazing. The ostrich chukkas are also craaazzzyyy, but £330!!
wow the ostritch chukkas can fuck right off at that price.
Not really feeling these but considering the white croc cabs for a summer flex...
Well Witts, you're just a hater!
Witts coming with some more cabbage like dryness
I have to admit, I did not like them at first that day we saw them in Selfridges but I've kinda warmed to them...No hypebeasting lol
Black ones you say...Seems like I may have to investigate further.
Vans always bringing the heat like the Mohave desert.
Dunno why you aren't feeling those caballeros...Them are bird flu, sick!
You know me Kevin, I don't really like high top creps.
I guess.
Wait...You own dunks and Jordans though.
Haha don't try and bring me out, they are all old and I wear none of them.
matt sell me your jordans!
Looking V. grimey Bence....
Pickup posts ye?
so they gonna be in size? next week right? Or vans in COvent garden?
Well, I went into the one in Carnaby the other day and the guy said they'd be in.. So I'm assuming they will be in both.
Are they made with real Ostrich?
size landing them on friday...
2 x chukka
2 x half cab
2 x authentic
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