the economy, war, health care, housing etc.
but i wonder what state Bush will leave the white house in ?
You know, because I know if i was George Bush I would be pissed to leave such a plush house and to leave one of the highest post throughout history. I would turn straight fucking childish and leave pure sneaker piss takes around the house on a sly.
I can just imagine Bush doing the same, leaving him a pile of unnecessary domestic shit to deal with for example,
Barack will opening one of the toilets to find a fat floater George Bush left on purpose.

Go to toast some Hardo bread, but be met with a half broken toaster.

(and yeah i said hardo bread not slice bread, he did say he was bringing change remember)
Wrap Barack's new home office in foil.

Change the house alarm to go off at 4am every morning.

leave the kitchen sink a mess.

Not clean the bath and leave residue.

Good luck Barack.
Loving bntl like a fat kid loves cake.
Urgh that first picture was disgusting man.
But this blog is funny.
You just made my morning misterlego.
alie ^^^
omg this was the funniest post!
do you think he eats hardo bread?! hahahaha
Lego was that your Poo in the first picture?
Lego: why do you love to post images of dodo? its nasty.
There's nothing funnier than poo.
"You just made my morning misterlego"
now when some one who iv never meet in my life . . .
rights such a comment
it shows that i must be doing something right on this blog
alie ? ? ?
comments left like that of shar's,
just makes anonymous hater comments seem like 1p's in a water fountain to me . . .
and nope it aint my poo lol
and il relax on the poo pictures from now on . . .
shut up lego. just cus u made one dumb chicks morning (btw you didn't make her day) don't mean that u deserve to blog on bntl, when theres like 10 other peoples morning you ruined.. just by being alive.
lmao i have to admit that was funny still . . .
LOL...Lego, you're wild!
Lego u slay me....only u wud put up such horrid pics!!
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