Friday 22 January 2010

Haiti Conspiracy

I pray to God this isn't true...

"Venezuelan leader, Hugo Chavez has reportedly said the Haiti earthquake was caused by a U.S. tectonic weapons test, also being dubbed The Earthquake Weapon.

Hugo Chavez told Spanish newspaper ABC that a "tectonic weapon" launched by the U.S. Navy was capable of triggering a powerful earthquake off the coast of Haiti. Chavez told the newspaper that this time it was only a test and the ultimate target is Iran

Conspiracy theorists have long held that the U.S. and Russia both have "tectonic" capable weapons."

Found HERE.


Bircham said...

i canttt see this beign true, the US arnt that messed up are they?
but then again got to have some reason for saying it?
fucked up either way

Anonymous said...


@OllieDanger said...


Secret Agent Bizzle said...

Anonymous said...

Iran is the way is because of us you Anon idiot. The contemporary Islamic Republic Iran is the way it is because of us. Just google Iran 1953 Mohammed Mossadeq and open your mind.

John McClane said...

faaaaarrrrrrrrrr out!!!!!!!!!!

TiMZED said...

I wouldn't even be suprised if this is true.

There are things going on in this world that the general public don't know about.

Who knows what the US Army are gettin up to in Area 51 or any other secret bases they probably have.

Anonymous said...

World's End here we come


Research 'Harrp Technology'

This technology is a military weapon that can control and evoke catastrophic changes in the atmosphere (weather control) that results, and is capable of tragedies such as Haiti.

Good post Ollie.


Research 'Harrp Technology'

This technology is a military weapon that can control and evoke catastrophic changes in the atmosphere (weather control) that results, and is capable of tragedies such as Haiti.

Good post Ollie.

Carl said...

Its possible that its true. I know that there is a too little possibility for any vulcanic actiity in that area as crust of the earth is very think there. So...why would it blow up like that?

spirits said...

anyone know what happened to that skater DJ Chavez?

Anonymous said...

very possible, US are trying to get their hands of the oil since forever. It's known that the world's oil supply is coming to an end so whoever controls the last drops will control the world. What better excuse than getting rid of terrorism and so occupying the middle east...

Anonymous said...

This can't be true for the same reason that 9-11 conspiracy theories are not true. The US governemnt would have to be insane. Not to mention the millions of dollars the US and all other nations are giving to Haiti right now and matching civilian donations too. Furthermore, if such a weapon was real, it would make sense to test it on the enemy, and either it works or it doens't work, you would not test in on helpless Haiti.

Anonymous said...

"This can't be true for the same reason that 9-11 conspiracy theories are not true. The US governemnt[sic] would have to be insane. Not to mention the millions of dollars the US and all other nations are giving to Haiti right now and matching civilian donations too. Furthermore, if such a weapon was real, it would make sense to test it on the enemy, and either it works or it doens't[sic] work, you would not test in on helpless Haiti."

9/11 "Conspiracies" have been proven. Thermite residue was found on structural pieces of the towers by independent researchers. This hasn't been discussed by mass media because the case was closed after a special investigation by congress. Nearly half of the people involved in that investigation didn't agree with the final synopsis. No steel framed building has ever collapsed from fire in the history of the world. Buildings don't fall at free fall speed from partial structural damage, they fall at free fall speed from professional demolition.

It should be noted WTC-7 wasn't even hit by a plane but collapsed in the same manner as the other two.

As for this theory, it is not so far feteched. One can imagine, for instance, a nuclear weapon detonated far enough below the surface would cause an earthquake of some magnitude without any fallout. Haiti is a small country, so I don't think it is entirely unbelievable that this occurred.

HAARP is a possibility as well, or any other various types of secret technology (and our government does have secret technology, like most governments, and that's why the military has black budget programs and openly admits it.)

I don't know whether or not Haiti was truly a natural disaster. We won't know until we know whether or not the US or another country has the capability to produce earthquakes.

????? said...

Yes anon 01:51!
Fully agree with you.
You've definitely seen the zietgiest.

Anonymous said...

Lord knows if its true one thing I do know is that who ever wrote the second comment does offend and is pretty narrow minded. 'but who gives a shit' what? who gives a shit that the US could test new weapons on impoverish neighbors like the Haiti. I do! Your as think as to short planks no gives a fuck what you say!

Anonymous said...

ere ya go...

The desperate, evil, Bush Nazis attack Haiti with a Tesla Earthquake machine

The recent earthquake in Haiti was caused by an earthquake machine using technology developed by Nicola Tesla, according to MI6. The earthquake machine is not HAARP as I have previously suggested but rather some sort of nuclear device, according to this source and a CIA source. The CIA source says an expedition sent to the epicenter of the Indonesian earthquake that triggered the tsunami found it to be totally lifeless one year later, something that could only be explained by radiation. “The oil companies won a war and got rights to the oil in that region and nobody even heard about it,” the CIA source said.
In confirmation of these comments, recently declassified documents show the US government planned to attack Japan with a tsunami towards the end of World War 2 by setting of a large explosion along an underwater fault zone.
The attack on Haiti was a Bush/Nazi faction response to the ongoing cut off of their financial assets, according to the sources. The attack cut undersea cables and prevented the transfer of large sums of money to South American central banks. In addition, the attack was a warning by the Nazi faction saying: “If you squeeze us too hard we will start killing lots of people.” These criminals need to be punished for these evil acts.
Multiple sources are also saying a new 911 type incident is becoming increasingly probable as financial deadlines for the Federal Reserve Board approach. One important deadline is expected at the end of this month.
The sources also say the Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate sold China the anti-missile defense technology recently announced by China. These traitors to the US are almost certainly selling other types of secret technology to China in a desperate bid to keep themselves from going bankrupt.
Meanwhile, two sources who claim connections to the Pentagon Space Command say there will be major disclosure coming soon. Since there is plenty of evidence the Nazis planned a fake alien invasion, these “announcements” (if they really come) need to be examined very carefully and skeptically.
In Japan meanwhile, a decision has been made by the secret government to put power broker Ichiro Ozawa in jail in order to prevent him from forming a dictatorship.
Events are escalating and much turmoil is predicted as the ancient secret government goes through its death throes.パパブッシュ一派は地震兵器を使ってハイチで50万人殺戮したペンタゴンとmi6の情報源による.html

Anonymous said...

Who cares the he'll with Haiti and every other country in the world every man for himself Let another one hit

Anonymous said...

haiti...thats the least of our worries, wait for the aliens to come and say hello..then we got real problems!!

Anonymous said...

eyes towards yemen!