Yet another installment of overweight business from Bigger than Barry, this time with a cowboy, wild west theme.
With plenty of Cowboys, Cowgirls and Indians inside the Rainbow warehouse when I finally gained entry at around 11:30, thanks to confusion with guestlist and pain in the ass security things were set for a big night.
Massive sets from Bok Bok & Manara, Monday Murkage and Bobby....
Here's some flicks:
Arjun inside the ride

As was a spitting Naked Lunch

Barry fan club

Vice Magazines hugest fans..



No shemale?

"He's got the whole world in his hands"

Mary J reppin'


Sweet like..

Straight out of Barcalona


Rob "Henchman" Obeng

House of Fraser represent

Fiyyyah dem

Better Never than what?

And for all 342 of em'

Shouts to Barry crew, Size crew, Lowlar, Candy crew and anyone else I spoke too!