Across all style genres mens denim has gradually been getting tighter and tighter. With brands such as American Apparel and Cheap Monday releasing 'Unisex' styles the gap between mens and womens denim is quite literally getting smaller.
The question is... How Skinny is TOO Skinny?
when ur balls cant breathe!
when your denim fits your girl better than it does you
your balls breathe?
When your jeans look like girl tights
your mum is skinny!
take it back to when men where men and wore tights and codpieces. tight jeans are masculine
Dudes jeans should not be skinny. My theory: If you have tight jeans on, you ain't packing coz really, where is it all going? Don't give me that "i tuck it in" bullshit either. Any man knows,you can't be walking down the street like that.
Conclusin: Tight jeans = Small dick.
men's jeans should be baggy, as nothing looks sexier when a guy wears low-slung baggy denim...skinny jeans on men is a huuuge turn off, cos I'm always thinking his batty looks nicer in his jeans than mine!!!
too tight is when u go 2 pull ur jean leg to get some air...and u end up nipping urself.
or how about, we stop caring about what everyone else is wearing and just do you?
^^^ was the right answer
oh'd be the first to cuss if you saw someone in super tight jeans!
Double standards and hypocrisy aside.. Brey is top boy.
yes, i will second that. the Black Paris is a good boy.
haha at matt & slob.
Yes I used to slag, cuss, diss etc etc but meh you realise that theres more to life than clothes and behind them there are personalities.
i thought about what i said, so i went to try on a pair of womens cheap mondays...i now actually don't mind skinny jeans...and i may buy a pair...u jus gotta wear em low if ur worried about ur tings guys
Can you just go away please?
and i thought the world of blogging was a kind and happy place.
the day that ppl stop watching, is the day that pigs will fly over a blue moon. im sure everyone reading this blog watch next people and are passionate about fashion so lets not get all Ghandi up in here, and keep it real...
tight jeans are not for men, FACT. its instant emasculation in my opinion but hey!, i rate the bravery and self confidence in their self expression... russell brand makes em quite sexual tho.
too skinny is arse-hugging jeans on men that create womanly curves -
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