Girl group from east london BANGERZ and MASH
got that "look" we all know of and seem to love to hate, at the moment.
there myspace click to view . .
Music ain't all that if i can put it kindly, but anything seems to do well these days.
But wait if you hold a glass of lemonaid with loads of bubbles in it, to your eyes whilst looking at these two girls. Tell me you don't see Somalian versions of Kesh and Zezi. (no hate i love Somalians)
Also got pulled up by a friend of mine for not doing any holdtights of late so here we go
Holdtight Tina, bringing some thing a little new to blog
Holdtight the disgusting slump in the sneaker game at the moment
Holdtight the original happy meal gang banger, away for 2 weeks
Holdtight the return of best rapper of all time nas
loving bntl like fat kid loves cake
its not early or late its just really gross!
this whole try-hard era has to come to an end.
I dont think i can even bring myself to click that link man!
My girl said it right. They look so put together and unnatural that they look shit. They should 'llow it.
Why people try and force style, is beyond me. But we'll let that one sliiiide.
As for the somalian ting, I agree!!!! I had to suppress my laughter, cos' I didn't wanna wake certain people.
Plus, i deserve a 'holdtight' one of these days. Gosh.
All these colour riot "trendsetters" need to realise that
1. You're NOT a trendsetter if the style was not originally yours.
3. DIE!
Same goes for the rope chain wearing dickheads that swear they wore Jordans and cazals out the womb.
You ain't fooling no one we see right through you.
Also, if you don't skate...Please for the love of christ, quit carrying a board around. It's lamer than the dudfe caught banging a sheep in london
On a final note, anyone notice how Somalian girls in London started looking really good over the past few years?
I remember back in the day when they were the butt of numerous jokes...Now look at em looking delicious
anyone coppin the jordan pack on saturday?
what numbers ? ? ?
and adz dont wori momi ima hit you up with the best holdtight soon
Dear god misterlego, all my senses are offended by you posting that link.
haha somalian kesh and zezi was my 1st thought then you said it. too jokes.
holdtight misterlego
I also miss the original happy meal gangbanger :( but lawlz at the somalian kesi & zezi, lego we're quarelling did you send me that electric magazine thingamagig or not i didnt get a reply email :(
one of em has a nice rack. at least shes got that going for her.
p.s wheres my mag too lego?
its the 4/19 pack this sat...
theyre re retroin the 99 retro...
im stil undecided.
Waste, and late.
nah il pass on the jordans this time round . . .
jack and brey . . . ima get on the case of getting these magazines out to you, my link whose supposed to send them out is slipping on me
o and the original happy meal gang banger is kesi (insider joke)
No thanks.
kesh isnt somalian...?
i give them 5 for effort.
im gonna resist the urge to bitch, and say i think they're kinda sweet.
not in a "I'll buy your music some day" sweet
but an, "aww, @ least your trying a ting" sweet.
i think if they llow using windows paint to edit their pics, they may be taken a bit more seriously...
somalians are buff.
and them turkish milfs in socks and slippers.
they'll get merked.
line ups and allsorts.serious
lola luv is somalian right?
boy, the fantasies i have about her...
Nah; she's from Trinidad. She is BUFF THOUGH.
Lola luv is half ethiopian I meant to say.
Thats where the wackoff comes from
tbh, i dont care where shes frm lol...
there music isnt bad at all
no her 'wackoff' comes from her plastic surgeon.
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