Reached Amersham arms last night for Rusko/P Money/Chipmunk/Deadly Rhythm DJ's & Tomb Crew.. Vibes and tunes were good all night, place was full of youngers though, or I'm just getting old, or both? Greg got strictly TOO excited by Rusko's set and subjected those in his immediate vicinity to gun fingering and profanity, in that order. T rex skanker Witts was certainly in effect, but the T Rex skank - has been retired, all that remains are cheap imitations.

The only proof that this night ever occured. Thanks to Beefcake of
Accrobeau. It's too much.
Woke up the next morning in a room full of bodies (the less said about this predominately male bonding session the better, alie?).
Headed to west end with the Birmingham Blade, brummy affiliate Witts. On our way we spotted something that made us think of Iceland..

Tan told us he was going to Brighton for the weekend, turns out he was in New Cross, opening a cafe.. Good on ya mate.
On arrival in west, we battled through hoards of people and hit Bodeans.

For all curious parties the 'Special Sauce' which accompanies chips here is "Barbecue Mayo".. or "Barbecue sauce and mayonaise" - as one helpful waitress felt the need to break down to us.

Gangsta nah pose for photo..

"That's gonna be embarassing."
After exhausting all the spots in West End we made an executive decision to head to Bethnal Green to check out
Imperius Rex, after an exciteable Jack called to inform BNTL was known.. So I went there, and chatted to TC (co-owner of IR) who informed me that his site had recieved alot of traffic directly from BNTL - following a recent post. Was an insightful conversation, and he's a very safe fellow, confirming badaman status, by hooking me up with...

Greatly appreciated. The shop is definitely worth a visit, and if you can't physically make it visit and consume until your hearts content!