Reaching the Rainbow just after 11, had a brief chat with Mischa on the door and headed inside. The place was fairly busy and the stage antics were live but there was no real energy from the majority of the crowd. About 15 people at the front were giving it loads but other than that it was straight sipping and mingling. I can't recall who was performing but the girl had real stage presence and certainly provided excellent entertainment even if the music wasn't to my taste. I snapped a few pix, chatted to a few heads and saw Cassie and Sarah and arranged to head to Coventry with them, the plan was 11:45 outside the Rainbow.. I snapped a few more pix had a brief chat with Lola and John (Congratulations to you both) then headed outside to wait for the others.
Here's some of the pix:
Is it really about arm pit hair? The Swedish seem to think so..
After the short taxi ride back into town we were on the "Midnight Ten" by no time, the train was packed with over weight alcoholics so there was banter a plenty.. (These two aren't over weight but I'm unsure of their alcohol addiction?)
Finally arriving at Vinyl is at just before 1, we were greeted by the angry security and Ollie. I left Ollie and the girls to chat and I headed inside to inspect the crowd. It wasn't as busy as normal but the vibe was still there and tunes were definitely still being rinsed, with Ed and Dom finishing up and Blaise ready to step up.
Wondering if Blaise was gonna play the same set as the previous night my question was soon answered as he came straight in with some hip hop and garage. A vast mash up of Hip Hop bangers, old skool garage and dubstep. I was skanking big time, excitement prevailed when I heard the intro for 3kout and I ran to the decks with several others demanding a reload. The demand was met and Blaise continued with the dubstep flex dropping big tune after big tune.
To finish things off Greg stepped up with a bag full of promos. A DJ still learning and definitely improving every time I hear him, the tune selection was definitely on point! Banger after banger I have to admit I skanked like a complete twat through out! Big big big shout to Greg.
After some milling around and some completely unnecessary behaviour from a few people, the crew got back to Ollies. The party was a bit dull at first but as soon as a 5 person Ipod tune selection battle (if that's what you can call it?) got started people were skanking big time. I have to point out that Fez was the weak link in the battle and repeatedly drew for mood killing tunes...
As the hours past and the numbers reduced it was soon early morning. It got to 8 o'clock and a few of us decided to head over to Burger King for some much needed food. Finding it closed and with no opening times. a frustrated Fez and Nash tore down the "Special £13.99 offer" banner and dragged it back to Ollies.
We milled around for another hour and it got to 9 o' clock. Back over to Burger King to find it still closed but a member of staff was now present and informed us it would be open at 10.
The next adventure was over to the park, well call it a park? It was just a rope swing. It did entertain us for around 20 minutes before we all got bored and went back inside. Finally it was 10 o'clock we went over to Burger King for a third and final time. A huge order was placed and devoured, the night or day was coming to a close. With the majority of people leaving, Greg, Fez and me were left and decided to crash in the front room. Waking at around 3 o'clock we packed our belongings and went home.
A big night/morning whatever you wanna call it!
And for all of the pictures click below!
I really should have went up with blaise, next time :(
ive never encountered a person whose name is mischa and spells it in the exact same way as i do!
i need 2 meet this wonderful woman!
The night was large and the afterparty was emotional.
Thank you Witts!
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