A couple of weeks ago I hit the jackpot and found the it in a little bookshop in Brigton.
The book is titled 'Proud to be a Sticker' and its a selection of stickers from some of the biggest streetwear brands in history.
I love the idea of stickers, they are like a document of an era. Its the same with club night flyers.
Some of my favourite from book...
Some of these stickers stretch back to the early 90's, there's some real history on display.
Looking at this book makes me wish I kept the hundreds of stickers i've received and wasted.
Big shout to Matteo Sola for putting this book together.
what's the damage?
makes me wana start making stickers again.
nice book
was there another copy of that???
I think I paid about £15 or less. There was only one copy there. Its such a hard book to track down because it doesn't have a clear title. It came out in 2005. Definitely worth some effort though....amazing book.
Ez Ollie, the book is called "Proud 2 Be a Sticker" and it's by Matteo Sola... Think you'll be alright trying to find it online/ebay still but failing that I have a spare copy if anyone wants/needs/can't live without
Safe for the info. Just checked Amazon and they have loads....go get your fill.
Looks bad.
Just copped it here.
£4.70 + P&P.
quick heads up,theres another one releasing soon called Stickers: Stuck Up Piece of Crap – From Punk Rock to Contemporary Art google it
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