I arrived just after 12 and went upstairs and straight into the studio, Hatcha jumped straight onto the decks to check out his new bits and sort out what he was going to play in the show. Hench top boy Lost was also in the studio checking up on the latest dubstep forum info, shortly after MC Viper rolled up and it was just a matter of waiting to go on air.
1 o'clock soon came and Hatcha jumped upto the platter for an hour of the finest dubstep with support from Crazy D as usual..
Soon it was time for MC Viper to jump on the mic
Massive thanks to Hatcha and shouts to Crazy D, Lost, MC Viper and the people at Kiss 100.
shorttie blitz got a handstyle. Nice teach reach too.
Is there a reason why Viper still persists with that tuft of pum-pum hair on his head top?
lost looking like a toddler as always lol nice pics
all due respect and that but who enters contests on twitter? this aint blue peter! nice pics still
Another behind the scenes at Kiss FM Dubstep. video on YouTube "TES LA ROK - UK TOUR MAY 2010" you can see / hear Hatcha and Crazy D during the may 26 show.
Put a donk on it.
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