For going into devil man mode . . .
Picking up a fire extinguisher . . .
And throwing it off the Millbank Tower roof . . .
Into a crowd of angry bad kids and a bunch of police (luckily no one was hurt)
Now prison is no joke and I don't wish it on no one.
But daaaaayum son you gone f*cked up ! Good luck with getting into university now. Worse thing is he's probably a good kid at heart. Actually on second thoughts the worse thing was the fact he owned up.
*pre orders the inevitable t'shirt*
Loving bntl like a fat kid loves cake.
His future just got extinguished.
- bam
Bang da doors brother.
boi i seem him in the paper today and was thinkin........those curls gun get him in sum serios trouble!
looooooooooool ^
32 months should fix him
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