"Dad could you pick some stuff up for dinner this evening ?"
"Sure son"
*I finish work and battle through the rain to get home, which i must say was just atrocious*
Only to be greeted by a bag of 4 boxes of 10 fish fingers (economy style not that theirs anything wrong with that), if you have basic math knowledge you'll know that's 40 fish fingers in total ! oh and he bought a pack of hash.
"Dad why did you buy 4 boxes of fish fingers ?"
"Because they were 50p each ! ! ! great innit"
erm aaaah nah
So i did the best a young man could do and found some chicken pieces in my fridge and
ate them with the hash browns.
(the hash browns a bit random, as hash browns have never been purchased by any member of family evvvveeeeeer)
Hard times part 2 some time soonish, any ladies wanna offer me a home cooked dinner is more than welcome to get at me.
oh and HOLDTIGHT the weather it's just to nice today.
(apologizes in advance, im back to chat shit blah blah blah)
Loving bntl like a fat kid loves cake.
That's rank ! you should eat better !
I like the way uve piled up the ketchup in one spot and then spread it sparsely over the hash browns.
I feel for you Lego, this is what you get for not asking your mum to teach you to make jollof rice.
Wouldn't cereal have done the job?
misterlego ill take you out for chicken
lego mate u need some casual sex big time
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