The delivery man came through with one box, i ask him where are the rest he says 'thats it'. Out comes stanley to find out whats in the box. Oh ok its a delivery from Nike...but why only one box consisting of 5 shoes boxes.
As i pull out one of the shoe boxes and flip the lid other than the the smell of new sneakers that never fails to deliver im suprised, shocked and excited. Nike have just dropped their secret shoe of the season. Nike Air Trainer 2 SB.
I knew nothing about the 'secret shoe' but after a call to Nike, i found out that they send out a shoe each season to premier Nike SB stockist in the country. I was informed that there are less than 10 premier stores nationwide, with each store recieveing 5 pairs. You do the math....quite exclusive!
Anyway less rambling more pics. What do you think?...
they look pretty naughty!
I know why they're exclusive and very limited, because them shits is UGLY once again just some colours thrown on a shoe.
It's cool that you got 'em at your store ...exclusives and all that but bleurgh them shoes are rank!
Sexy leather grain.
got me thinking Charlie & the Chocolate Factory + Golden Ticket.
I'm with Brey and Phoebeee, those shoes are straight ass chocolate
they ARE pretty nasty on first look but for real when you see them on dude they actually drop pretty nicely. Dunno - I personally wouldn't but they can be pulled off very well.
TW's are dope!
But LMAO @ Nike trying to pull the 'exclusive' stunt with these. You can pick them up anywhere, they're just hyping.
You people getting in the all grey joints any time soon?
that's what you get when you pay your workers 72p per hour and make them work 36 hour shifts!
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