Well tell me yesterday's (Saturday) weather wasn't absolutely FUCKED.
It was nuts we had snow, sleat, rain and sunshine all in the one afternoon.
I know i moan a lot about the weather but its only cos I did geography all through secondary and college education and slyly wanted to be the first black weather man on t.v channel3
But look at me now, in uni and now all I do is draw pictures and think up mad shit about baked beans and pigeons.
Umbrella's up, see now this is the looks i get from people when i whip out my camera for a pics, she looks like i just flashed my titties or something.
Now my parents have once again gone on holiday and left me alone at home to struggle with cooking, and i have thought up a new way of getting meals for myself.
I now go into Sainsbury's look at something and try to recreate it (lol Dont watch that i do have money to buy stuff) . For example I saw some tuna, sweet corn and pasta thing so I have had a dab at recreating it, and POW food is there none of that cook book "malahki"
but as i do more of these recreating meals i shall up date you with pictures.
But on a real if theres any women out there that wants come to my drumb (house) and cook me a nice warm meal it would be very nice of you, or even want to invite me to your flat or house for dinner i don't mind either.
Because look at what I'm feasting on at the mo, not a good look is it ladies ?
Big up to the Filipino's around town if any of you read this blog and know where i can purchase this i would be very great full.
I just saw the packet and read pork and now i have to taste it !
this weeks hold tights are as followed
Hold tight me as a kid thinking that these snack things were made out of pigeons. I look back at my child hood and think something was missing in my thought process.
hold tight people with DS's, big up your chest to you 60 year old grand parents with these hand held things (i personally roll with a psp but eh not the point).
But if your a male, a PINK DS is totally not allowed shame on this guy for his pink DS and ladies don't come with that his comfortable with his sexuality talk, its not on.
and for all the rest of you don't strain your face while playing these things either on public transport, its not a good look as you can see also from the picture.
Hold tight people with open toed sandals and thick white socks especially on a day like yesterday its not a good look. The only people who can pull that look off is mr.Miyagi and my lady friend Lauren P
and hold tight the random dude who offered me KAT yesterday (the raw leaf form of cocaine), his selling points were that if i took it i wouldn't feel sexy anymore & it would reduce my sexual drive and make my knob limp LMAO . . aaaaah nah
and hold tight easter today & finally
Hold tight gregtee the light pictures are bananas and hold tight Matt for tonights shout
soggy boxers aka juslim we don't talk but your still one of the coolest cold milked drinking cornflakes munching person I'v ever meet in my life, and for that i say one love momi.
love bntl like a fat kid loves cake.
LOL...Lego is that dude
And stop flashing your tiddies in public, son
Patties don't look too bad son.
Not patties.
Man, ur turning into the next Perez Hilton. Love it. As long as you don't catch me on camera on a bad day.
hmm..u can try earls court for pork longganiza, theres alot of filipino shops around there. I think theres like 2 around seven sis aswell
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