"Mod (originally modernist, sometimes capitalised) is a subculture that originated in London in the late 1950s and peaked in the early to mid 1960s. Significant elements of the mod lifestyle included music, such as African American soul, Jamaican ska, and British beat music and R&B; fashion (often tailor-made suits); dancing and motor scooters."
"Rockers are members of a subculture that started in the United Kingdom in the 1960s among motorcycle riding youths. Rockers in the 1960s were commonly referred to as greasers or grease as an insult by mods and skinheads."
mods, just due to the fact ive always wanted a vespa or a lambretta haha.
Not really, there is a small number of youths today that actually embrace a culture we could call 'British'....
this was shown in my media class at college couple years ago...
fell asleep cos i was drunk earlier that particular night init, been meanin to watch it again but havent cos im a wasteman
Im a BIG fan of this movie!! And it has only improved with age and become more and more of a cult classick!!
What British Sub-cultures are there really these days. Apart from the indie kids.....? Chavs to me are neither part of a sub-culture nor British.
Football casuals are the only British movement remaining that understand what a Sub-culture is. And even some of the supposed 'casuals' are clueless due to making of lots of shit hooligan films thats caused an influx of uniformed bellends who just dont 'get it'
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