Harrow on the Hill.. 20 miles to Reading - straight.
Only 2 days until BNTL embark on our New York invasion.
ALSO - death day for the 'anon' comment. If you now want to speak your mind... Do so through one of the following mediums.
Sign up for a Google account by clicking HERE and you can use your username and password from that to comment the blog, alternatively get a blogger account OR if you have AOL instant messenger or Livejournal, you can use your log-in details and comment. For any other feedback or comments drop info@bntl.co.uk a message and we'll get back to you. Hit up the myspace and join the facebook group if you like.
Quality control is in effect, as of now.
Great shots Matt.....
Yeah they're really nice.
Aw, hope you lot have fun on your trip.
NYC is amazing if you don't hold too many expectations.
i totally approve.
pics are lush too.
So refreshing to be in a world where we don't have to listen to the whining's of bods with inferiority complexes.
heavy pics....
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