Whether it be clothes, graphics or music your into I think a lot can be learned from the DIY aesphetic of this era. 'Streetwear' of today owes a lot to this period and I think now is a good time to pay homage to its roots.
A photographer who lived and documented surf culture is LeRoy Grannis. His book 'Surf Photography of the 1960s and 1970s' captures surfing breaking into the mainstream in the late 1960's, when surfing was growing in popularity. Places such as California and Hawaii were his stomping ground. Grannis does well to capture all the bright colours in his coloured prints but still his black and white images give us a taste of the atmosphere of that time. From snapping the perfect wave, girls in bikini's to surf competition winners this book has it all.
Some images from the book...
The book can be purchased HERE.
Some other images from the early surf/skate days...
this is why bntl is the best blog
Very interesting stuff mate.
great post!
agree with 1st anon but its down to people like ollie, witts, and matthew that make this blog what it is
make sure your surf board doenst get robbed!
big post ollie
to draw inspired by early skate art, obvs I prefer styles of todays skate art and vibe but neon skulls and mad zombies on boards with eyeballs and shit is mad.... good shit :)
now bill gates' statement is just wrong it depends on what you come to bntl for. and just shows you been following the blog for about the past 4 months
you should check out a guy called Bunker Spreckles - a legendary iconic 70s surf playboy. They've made a wicked documentary about him - http://www.bunker77.com/
it isnt nothing to me,
im just stating the obvious.
calm down
What discussing surf culture and nobody name drops Fat Willy's?
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