To view previous years 'look backs' just click on the individual dates
2009 look back
2008 look back
2007 look back
Now lets get down to business!
Wikileaks man went in on the whole world ! Exposing politicians and world leading motherfuckers on a different level.
Mark ronson was made into some style god by all the magz and media.
F*ck outta here with that whole damn movement he's the biggest dressed douche I’ve seen in a hot minute.
Your average girl's butt went up like 20 sizes. (two thumbs up to that) Sh*t was ridiculous stuff like this, this and that just made the world a better place.
Wwhether it be chicken pills, butt pads or injections, I'm sincerely appreciating it so just keep it up ladies.
Reinformed was born and they kicked sh*t off with some wet women. Hold tight Ollie and Tickle and the rest of the gang.
The firm came through on a progressive tip, holdtight Loren and Ruby sisters doing it for themselves.
2nd shout out in a year for the WAH movement. The lady at the helm Ms Reid and her peoples pushed WAH nails to new unseen limits.
The Boiler room was refreshing
The city arts and music project was relaunched !
I had my first solo exhibition
We got the CON-DEM - mandem government even though we didn't vote for one.
is it me or does nick look like j cole ?
The newly formed government sent the kids into animal like behaviour over un kept promises. The song of choice for the movement, was that of tempa t'
yeah that got you somewhere, innit blad ?
One of the funniest things of the protest was a student who was a wanabe porn star. Irate at the fact they were taking the funding away for his b.a, he tried to poke and squirt Charles' wife in the face. Epic fail as some would say.
It snowed like a mother fucker in the UK and we had some mad cold extremely cold temperatures in certain parts of the country !
the above dude led to this call being made . . .
Drake took over for a minute with his album. (cant see it happening again though) Tapon rap seems to be dead at the moment.
Nicky released hot garbage each and every time. I don't care what none of you say.
I can't front on the female shes a mean rapper and I give her that but f*ck all her singles are hot garbage.
I'd pull off her wing, give her my badman juuuuuice and risk the infection I'm likely to get from her but injections scabs ! shes that damn sexy.
Jay e signed to Jay z
P diddy made his own Destiny’s Child, where he was Beyonce and named it Dirty Money.
There was an Eminem revival, but the music was shit.
We never got that eagerly anticipated jcole album and as a result Wayne Rooney went a bit nuts and cheated on his wife again. If that what 1,000 a night gets you shiiiiiiiit he should have called me I'd hooked him up with 13 girls from u.a.l and charged him half the amount !
2010 was the year of the locked up rapper. So many were arrested released and re-arrested again smh.
I don't know wether its just ignorance or just dumb assness on their part.
Below are the most notable.
Lil Wayne, Black Rob and Shyne came out.
DMX got locked up for the 209th time, Lil Bosie & Ja Rule went in to oooo' don't forget T.I. did come out for a second until he was caught stupidly sipping on some of that BADMAN juice and popping some of them pills "if you knooooow wwhhhaaaat a meean"
Now if this picture which was brought to my attention yesterday is real and is of him in prison naked in a pair of Jordan 19s. I can't begin to imagine what his going through.
So I can only say stay strong my brother and keep your head up (PAUSE/ NO HOMO)
I KNOW jordan 19s them shits is ugly as hell !
Rick ross was found out to be a former correctional officer smh but the majority still messed with his music. I heard so many say - "Good music is good music regardless where it comes from"
Well I say F*CK that cop and his fake ass' drug selling self even if the music's that damn good.
Kanye made his return and released a good album about a bald headed x’ now I can't front the album was on some next level amazing. Buuut how the fuck you going to make a full album of which 60% is secretly paring off your x girl friend?
F*ck outta here with that son. That’s some bitch ass/ cheesy cornball shit. No ratings.
Not gonna front, it's cool for a female to behave the way Kanye did with that album, because we all know about you lot and your unstable emotional period carrying chicken headeded ways. But not a man!
Rihanna turned her hair red so with that done, so did every other girl in the hood too.
Now I don’t know what happened exactly but something flipped in UK music.
All of a sudden Grime-pop took over, now I’ll try my best not to hate on this wave of music because a few of these dudes have got to eat and I grew up with a couple of them to . . . but some of the music is awful and that's me being real.
I only wish this genre of music and its artists the best though. As it's putting young black males in amazing positions.
Let's keep looking up and praying to God for these guys sake that this current love of "UUURrrrrrrrrBAAAN" music doesn't die out any time soon.
Silvio Berlusconi was doing it big in 2010. He turned 74 and was still getting jiggy with belly dancing girls aged 20 and giving them Rolex watches.
He falls a sleeping on numerous occasions whilst being in important meetings. And he still managed to survive that late revolt which aimed to remove him from office.
"aint nothing but a g thing baaaaaaby"
Spain turned up to the world cup and pimped shit.
England turned up to world cup and got treated like hoe
France turned up to world cup treated their manager like a 06 prostitute in Ipswich !
Katar / Russia bought the right to hold the next world cup.
Almost every sneaker company jumped on veja’s ethical tip and tried to release their on beetroot dyed recycled high top amazon rain forest friendly shoe 2% will go back to workers tip. STOP it we all know your biting veja’s shit.
That brand / agency party - You know the regular one, where by a little party is thrown invite a bunch of young 20 somethings and a few old golden scene nuggets, who might just bless and smear the event and whatever that brand is pushing with a bit of there "coolness" it needs to stop.
In 2011 I beg you brand marketing guys do something different, hire some new people to do sh*t or fix up, invite people that really care and actually buy your product. Look at your customer give back to them. As my dear friend put it to me not to long ago . . .
"the alcoholic free drink does not tempt me to leave my house"
It never did for me either.
Peckham secretly started to become the new Shoreditch ! I used to practically live in Peckham and I have never seen these current changes.
Roof top bars, my fellow art students gallivanting about at random hours of the night, having random parties, girls kissing one another outside pubs at 2am !
when certain faces return home from jail there going home to a totally different Peckham, than the one they left.
The JLS boot still LIVED !
Pin-roll was embraced fully by the high street and all its followers. Shit was disgusting. Stop it !
95% of the 18 - 24 year old male population thought they were new age stylistic masters of fashion. Men's style blogs started popping up everywhere.
On a last note if you're thinking of starting something new in 2011 whether it be a blog, company, night or anything of a creative nature . . . don't let your statement sound or run along the lines of . . .
"The _________ is a collective of DJ’s, artists, Musicians and creative people who are sick of the same old tired formats for life"
Because it's more than likely you're not starting something fresh and different. You're just really catting some one else's idea and saturating an already highyly saturated creative enviroment within London
Enjoy your New Years and I will see you on the other side by Gods grace.
Loving bntl like a fat kid loves cake.
haha good little read! props
I thought this Nigga was suppose to be Christian of what domination? Your not no Christian Lego you need some Christ Jesus in your life worshiping materialistic, cursing every opportunity you get.
Every true Christian is saved by a on going relationship with Jesus not saved by good or bad works never the less your suppose to have a good conscience yet you don't smh this nigga is fake.
HAHAHA!!! too funy fam. still
use to hate on you but that might change if you keep posting stuff like that
<3 <3 <3 little late I know ;)
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