Blew a blunt and copped a dime bag off some upstanding citizens.
Pizza and Snapple featured constantly.
All caps when you wear the brand name.
As with payphones, we didn't master the subway straight away, jumped on the express train to Queensbridge by accident.
We then journeyed back to our spot in Brooklyn, for bday blunts and 40s, to mark Aarons immaculate conception into the world of the 20 somethings.
Cookies, not biscuits!
Gwil slid nicely into the American stereotype of alcoholic father/wife beater.
All sober and looking great. That's our camera shy hostess, Tasha, to the right of the photo. Thanks for letting us imperialise your house. This night was also the night of the first presedential debate between McCain & Obama, so we peeped that.
Jack - "I really enjoyed that debate", Gwil - "Are debates always that good?". There's Ben, fresh from spewing his life away, he says he didn't, but we don't believe he spent 45 minutes in the toilet reflecting on his life.
Not a Virtue.
Wii golf!
...A next 20 coming soon..
deep flickies.. good times
BIG RON happy blated family tree ! ! !
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