The day started with a trip to Mayfair. Met AC and minced around the American Embassy whilst half-heartedly looking for a tramp..
It's Autumn, in case you didn't realise.
London equivalent to an American Eagle?
Royal Academy of Arts.
At this point we decided to 'hit the beach' and attempt to unearth lost treasures..
An NYU student card was the second most impressive prize of a days work..
...Second only to the tropical cocktail concoction of coconut and orange!
Facilities were ample and in good condition. While Big Ron is bringing you the sun soaked shores of California, I'm bringing you the scummy banks of the Thames.
Jumped quickly in to the Tate for a modern culture vaccination...
.. but only found a paper-mache spider, a big abstract ant, a load of beds with no matresses and bedtime reading material...
..this skeleton...
..and these red, black and green plastic strips. Culture isn't what it used to be.
Ended it with the Japanese equivalent to broth.
Marble arch to bermondsey on foot, it was a lot!
nice matt. the pigeon one is epic.
Matthew Benson!
I must insist you reach the Trinity church in Marleybone to capture some snaps of the devil caught in a telegraph pole.
My maingy digital camera cannot match the quality of the material that will emerge from your SLR.
Do it or I start an online petition, you know how effective those things are.
Do it! Do it! Do it!
Ha! Error.
2 thumbs up.
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