In a move aimed at drawing attraction (or profit?) from the notoriety of the artist, the building's owners paid to mount a sheet of perspex over the stencil to protect the artwork from the elements earlier this year. While earth, wind & fire may have all but given up... an elusive genius known only by the media's tag of a "vandal" tipped a pot of silver paint behind the screen and scrawled Banksy Woz Ere on the perspex

Considering another wall mural by the man was sold on ebay in January by wall owner Luti Fagbendle for over 200, 000 jibs (the buyer has a 71% feedback rating)... my gut says the vandal was Banksy himself... or was it a backlash from the worl of graf? Silver paint is not the usual weapon of choice for Jon Vandal... so who dunnit? Your thoughts...
Tube goodness from Style Wars for your Tuesday... sources - QBN. Shout to ptouch718
there is a graffiti crew going over street artists like obey and banksy because they have been diluting and leeching off the graffiti subculture.i think they were called the dripper.
fair play to em!
Yer its called Splasher
word on the road is tht it was ginger kid.....
Skeen. Fair play indeed being that it's public artwork, but it comes across as vandalism because there's no message to it. Apart from "I don't like it so I'll ruin it"... which is what you got told off for when you were little, and the reason we all despise Snr Bush & ginger kid. I can't agree that graf is diluted from Banksy's efforts, surely the dilution comes from bare heads using the same style and flogging the same message? Why doesn't Splasher fuck with all the other visual noise in urban areas that we put up with day in day out like billboards and the rest?
Max this video made me late for work.
gk is always on the dis list lol, shame on all of you.
Don't know him, don't dislike him. It was tongue in cheek. There were no gk's harmed in the writing of this comment
WOWPOP is any ATCN fan boy/girl.
Wowpop is seriously one of the worst designers I've seen for quite some time.
thanx that means alot and not many people do like me... never mind but respect to u anyway, better go jump back on that dick now yea.
not really agressive or passive just a sacastic reply to your quick to judge comment, i just do what i do thats it, i never claim anything and never hide behind an anon im not on here for the dis i just enjoy the content.
i dont need a break down on what you mean dick head i know what your saying, go take your wise words somewhere else and i will to.
fair play to her its rude to spit you little child
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