I was at work yesterday and had to post a parcel, as I was written down the address it never really occurred to me what i was writing until i finished it.
When i did finish, I was like nah this has to be some prank so I googled the address and it was 100% legit.
Now who in the world would call or live on a road called . . .
No word of a lie but my best friend from college used to live in Blackboys ! It's like in between tunbridge wells and Brighton and the smallest town ever. Man those where some good times taking the piss out of her for that.
No word of a lie but my best friend from college used to live in Blackboys ! It's like in between tunbridge wells and Brighton and the smallest town ever. Man those where some good times taking the piss out of her for that.
u knw how dat was probabily sum1 4rm BNP takin da piss lol
thats jokes in my area theres some bus what always has Yardy Lane esate on Lolz
For those that don't know louise is the mother of my two kids . . .
yeh lego i put on my sixth form dance after party there.
The place was deadout.
random fact.
it was the inspiartion for bashys hit
Yeah, you keep telling yourself that lego. You can kiss Shaniqua and Tyrone goodbye unless you start paying to keep their arses in pampers..
no black people live in sussex
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