Amersham for the 19th year in the life of Greggles T. Uckle celebration. And also to mark the return of AWOL soldier Big Ron Geremy (sp?).

Boxfresh jeans, boxfresh jacket, straight out the box fresh cake.

Santa + Elf.

Kingston inside.

Chigwell, Harrow & Croydon inside.
For Greggles special day, I dug up some more Brighton flicks.

happy blated family tree ! ! !
o and welcome back big sir . . .
thanks very much to everyone for last night.
it was loads. even getting ejected.
on a reals alex I am sorry about that!
your time for the club night as always.
Yea last night was a lot still even if the music wernt doing it. Happy Bday Gregory that cake was choong!! haha rags we don't need cutlery flyers are the new artillery.. Tripod action upping the levs.
Par that me and Aaron, original cake bringers, got no love in the cake stakes. Whatever really isn't it.
Aaron looks like timmy mallet.
wow. last night was a mixture of highs and lows in every way.
tan was on a levs when he arrived and i realised how much i love the little Icelandic imp but after a few beers he turned into a Zoo reading football thug.
the music was hype for about 4 tunes then it was kack.
the cake we had was alot and our eating tools were straight Ray Mears shit but i still didnt get any fucking space raiders.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY GREGG. hold tight for your youtube set last night.
oh shit timmy mallet! i cant even argue with that. if your gonna come with good banter like that anon then at least rep your name! otherwise......its a fail
Hmmm. Just to let you all know i was only pretending to be that drunk, i was really in a completely focused frame of mind.
Tan was pacing around New Cross streets doing gun fingers to random passers by and sitting on the pavement eating chicken like some raw savage.. it was the best drunken play-act I ever did see.
Hold tight Jack saying the best tune was Day 'N Night.
Hahaha to true about the tunes. Large up greg for locking the rave off for himself by fully repping BNTL..joker!
For future reference. No "Gregtee" any longer writes on this blog.
We have a new member by the name of GREGGLES!
Oh my days Sat night was heavy. It was my mates Rhett's birthday too.
you moms was it the toilet cleaning her stinky gash
you moms was it the toilet cleaning her stinky gash
Yea anon is a joker as usual. Just because you have no friends don't hate on guys. Get yourself out the house once in a while and you might speak to another human if your lucky!
Pissed I missed out on this one... :'(
thats gay isnt it. But then again so am I.
I cant go out of my house anymore because Trapstar are looking to leng me.
Also pissed i missed out.
Everyone on ATCN hates my disgusting ginger face, can i contribute on here?
"I cant go out of my house anymore because Trapstar are looking to leng me."
This one made me laugh twice!
ahahah Trapstar looking to leng me, classic.
BNTL,as usual no chicks just loads of dudes in a bedroom...SUSPECT!
that was me again!! LuLz!! I dont let the fact that im ginger hold me back!
people with no names can talk tuff. it means nuffin. if your hard please put your name up
I smell irony!
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