Urban Outfitters were thirsty

Next up was New Era, Gavin and the crew were more than happy to pose, with Ian from Candy popping in on his lunch aswell it made an excellent opportunity

Birmingham Mail getting some much needed Vitamins

The Size? crew struggled to pick a flavour

Low ridin'

Candy cheked the sugar levels..

The girls loved it.

vitamin water is shite, the photos r shite and candy store is shite
wow. that above anon is bare angry. he's day must of been SHIT to be that vexxed.
vitamin water is not 'shite', its vitamin water. the budget one your mum buys from Aldi is SHIT but these ones are fairly nice.
this guy sounds bare northern tho, no one in London says shite that much. He sounds like a farmer.
All anonymous haters need to get wrapped.
no leave brum to the brummies!!
got my shipment today big up sofi i love u
the water is shit might taste good but your fooled trust. big pics though reppin birmingham i like it.
water is quite nice i wouldnt buy it though
keep it free
I like that, dope picts as usual
BIG pics Witts:)
Anon I would like you to open up your own store, until then please be quite. Ian's put in a lot of his time and effort into that store and the results are paying off.
i quite like the drink, i first tried it in america, but again england is trying to promote it here. gatorade will be next
gatorade sorts all its the water of youth haha
The photos are ace! Wish you could come with us all the time Witts! :)
SHAMELESS. One of the worst posts of all time.
Mmmm, mmm, MMMMM!!! Hello Mr. Candy Man!
Witts; post was good shit. Vitamin water is noooiiice, probably doiesn't do jack but, it's a good look all 'round
....and as for Mr Candy, he is sa-weeeeet!!!
anons mum has one tit bigger than the other
big up candy, and big up brum, big up to dick head anons too without them you have no arguments to discuss they only make blogs bigger.
thank you people who support the cause!
anons and sugamama my nuts are here for you to suck
I could do with some nuts!
sicck photos. that water does the job.
pheobee is on candy man
sorry, couldn't resist.
i think the photos are alright though.
Someones bitter then...
Using that youtube video though is a bit stupid, the Bill Hicks comedy show, tour, dvd's and everything he makes his money off is marketed somehow. Yeah it may be for comedy but it's still hypercritical.
Ahhh Ben you know I love Bill Hicks more than anything but you can't be slaggin me down for doing this hun you applied for the same job I'm doing now!
Stop being so mean :P
Big Shouts out to Lcb and the man dem from new era Bham !
Photos are tidy !
Birmingham STAND UP !!
nah, i'm not bitter at all. i just love bill hicks and i couldn't let it go. it's just a joke.
and also, he's dead and all of those things came out after he died, so i doubt he's makling much money off them and he certainly did't advertise before them.
& it's a joke. i'm not bitter and as i say i quite like the pictures.
Nice post Witts, I didn't know the vitamin water was being sold in the UK now. PS, fuck all southerners hating on this just because there are some northerners in the building.
Mmmm more lovely artificial shite sold at a ridiculous price. As long as it's got cool marketing all the trendy fools with more money than sense will swallow it til it goes out of fashion.
Fruit is cheaper, more nutritious and more environmentally friendly, but thank fuck it isn't 'cool' to eat an orange and thank fuck bananas aren't the latest fad, otherwise their prices would skyrocket.
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