An unbelievable turnout saw Tomb Crew steal the show with another electric performance, a huge effort from BB Manik got the garden rampant and rowdy so much a small brawl broke out during their set, as soon as that was put to bed the tunes returned and the vibes continued. Monday Murkage followed with an eclectic set drawing for all sorts pleasing me with Chase & Status - Smash TV and some reallllllly old skool EZ Rollers beats, though massive sets from everyone.
Festive fancy dress a plenty, party vibes and an all round fantastic second birthday for Birmingham's fattest party loving bastard. Give us another year of it!

Size? crew and secret santa gifts in full effect

"Festive" fancy dress

Tomb Crew VS Monday Murkage groupies

Maximum Capacity

BB Manik
Huge, huge night, shouts to the Size? gang, Candy store, New Era store, Barry, Jon "Missing in action" Bissel, KIC and all the regulars.

Paix & Merry Xmas!
Early morning haterade. Geez are pathetic.
Nice work Witts.
Best party in the World. STANDARD.
get to know brum, big pics
Couldn't get down to this one .. but it looks like it was a big night all round !!
Big Big night, Tomb Crew killed it
nice pictures
that hater geez needs to grip a life! Or choke on his moms dry turkey and die this Xmas! Nice pics!
barry is takin after witts; gettin shitter every time..
the quality of your photos is going really downhill.
im the person who left the last comment, i just wanted to make it clear that it's not me hating. its an honest artistic opinion.
wow an artistic opinion....nice erm...choice of words mate
Artistic? Dude do you even own a dslr? ever herd of beauty is within the eyes of the beholder? or even this? Event photography, its not ment to be artistic, its just ment to capture the night even then, read what you typed
"looks like another shit brummy event full of brummy wank stains"
where in there does it reference the pics??
"Propa-idiot" or whatever your stupid name is. I do in fact own a digital SLR and I do in fact know what I am talking about. I hope that answers your question and teaches you to step the fuck out because I was talking to Witts and not you.
Event photography can be and often is artistic, but I'm not even going to waste my time going into great depth about this to you, because you're obviously a complete waste of perfectly healthy, if not possibly butt ugly, DNA. Now, jog on "mate".
I feel an Anonymous opinion is an unbiased one, Witts. You can have haters on this site and yeah, call them haters if they're being completely direspectful or whatever. I'm giving an opinion. Do not post your work on this site, if you're just going to disregard various opinions because they wish to remain anonymous.
The standard of your work is failing very quickly. I say this so you take heed and hopefully sort it out because it would be a shame for Birmingham to be represented with such mediocre photography.
Also, Proper-wanka. Take your time to read over the ANON comments, you can decipher the difference between my own and the people who are just here to speak shit.
That said, I'd be suprised if you could decipher your own shoe lace.
The standard of my work is failing very quickly yet I'm getting more and more work published monthly and winning photography awards and constantly getting praise from the Editor of the paper I work for.
Anon fuck off, go and do a better job.
Big up Veezy.
Witts.. you're a joke if you can't take constructive criticism.
You get work that again is mediocre published and if you can show us a legible and worthwhile photographic award and I'll feel the need to back off.
Your work's standard is deteriorating, you need to be able to deal with that sort of critisism without becoming such a whiney and rude bitch or else people like myself will never commission you.
There is no construction to any of your critism though, so I can take nothing from it.
And I'm not surprised if I know who you are..
An award is an award, at the end of the day work is being recognised, published and appreciated.
biggup for the shots Witts! Murkage Cartel always have a great time in Brum..
unfortunately, Anon haters are a by-product of positive movements.
maybe the Anon individual should spend more time attempting to get on your level, rather than criticising your work.
unfortunately for them an anonymous opinion carries absolutely no weight.
biggup nevertheless.
WItts, it seems there is absolutely no way of getting through to you and no, we aren't from the same neck of the woods. If I knew you, then my opinion would probably be taken a little more seriously.
Please Anon realise you are giving no constructive crisitism by saying "your photography is going downhill"
Once again an anonomous opinion is an invalid one.
There for I won't bother wasting any more of my time on you..
You didn't ask why Witts, you only asked to know my name and then you jumped on the bandwagon of anon hating.
- blown own patches of skin due to inadequate meter reading, basic or no knowledge and an obviously poor entry level camera.
- post production work, little at best. too much tweaking of saturation means the pixel quality of each image has been left compromised.
- I could go on but you're absolutely useless, Witts.
Still Anon, so you're still pathetic but..
There are various reasons for the points you have highlighted, but I'm not going to bother explaining.
Thanks for your opinion, it was hard work getting it, once again you let yourself down with the "constructive critism" by telling me i'm useless.
SO thanks for the pointers but please don't bother in future.
As long as your post and photographs are public, i will bother you as much as I find suitable.
And please do not pretend to me that the constant and obviously decrease in technical and aesthetic intelligence is intentional. You're fooling no one, bro.
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