Anyway, turns out it's from Sofi Donuts who is doing big promo work for them in this country. So, thanks for that Sofi! - Who, if you don't already know runs Bristol based store Donuts.. check their online store.
I'm working my way through all the flavours currently.. apparently 'Revive' is the one for a hang-over.. drink it when going to bed and when you wake up.. and it's meant to work. 'Spark' wakes you up. 'Defence' - good for immune system. 'Essential' - high in vit C & Calcium. 'Power C' is supposed to give strength and Multi V is... the tastiest.
Vitamin Water party at mine this saturday. Free vitamin water, free party.
this is clearly what all the HENCH boys and girls are drinking in Bristol when building their beats.
Saturday soon come. vitamin water >> red stripe this time round.
I jest!
I am deeply deeply jealous!!!!
We're gonna be going into the dance like incredible hulk on mad POWER C.
Im bringing mad vodka for Vitamin water cocktails. Dunknow
glad u like it!
& yes jakes loves vitamin water :) x
Bottled drinks are massively damaging to the environment. Large quantities of fossil fuels are used up in the production and subsequent transport of the plastic bottles, which then take centuries to biodegrade. Putting a 'Please Recycle' label on the packaging is not enough.
Equally, the supposed benefits to your health promised by drinking Vitamin Water are dubious at best.
So what should we do, store liquid in our humps like camels?
matt you swine. why you killing the earth
Sorry World.
Best Anon comment ever.
Greenpeace x BNTL coming soon!
Matt recycles.
I heard Vitamin water and Glens is a huge look???
ah man, i want some!!!
Witt's where was your blog about the vitamin water I sent you aaaaaaaages ago :P xx
In reply to the "anonymous" commenter.
vitamin water doesn't make any promises about benefits to your health, it just offers hydration with added goodies (being the nutrients and vitamins).
Anyone who believes a drink alone can change their health is a very silly person.
I take it the person who made that comment recycles, good for you! I am also a keen recycler.
I recycle every plastic bottle, can, cardboard, paper, glass you name it.. I do my bit even though I'm the only person in my house who has ever bothered. Every vitamin water bottle that enters this house is recycled and I strongly urge that everyone else disposes of their bottles in the same way x
drink the dark red one. it has "Dragonfruit" in it.
I don't even know what Dragonfruit is, but i'm convinced its improving my Dragon Punches.
this is probably the only twat tht has been affected by u guys drinking this shitty drink
VitaminWater causes slowness.
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