Bourgeois, currently based in NY, is an american surrealist and conceptual artist. Her most famous pieces are her 'spider scultures', or otherwise known as 'Maman', as well as 'The Blind Leading the Blind' and various cell installations.

'The Problem Perspective' exhibition from German artist Kippenberger shows a range of works from his life, from paintings to photography and sculpture. A lot of Kippenberger's works include self portraits, often depicting himself as awkward and grumpy.

I have to say, both of these are well worth the $10 and a look if your out in LA anytime soon. Check out more info on the artists and future exhibitions on the MOCA website (click here)
Kippenberger is the guy.
Enjoy LA Mac.
its alot ! ! !its alot ! ! !
BIG us more of what you see on your travels!!
TT xx
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