Tried to abduct her own child with her boyfriends brother.
(please tell me that doesnt sound like one of those cusses you make in secondary school ?)
O.J Simpson

Took part in a armed raid on a sport memorabilia shop and kidnapped the shop owner.
(what makes you wanna do such a crime ? i mean the man was acquitted 15years ago of a murder, which 94% of America know you ACTUALLY committed but straight damned got away with.)
Boy George

Got a rent boy, tied him to the wall and whipped him with a chain.
(That don't even sound like a crime thats just a porn movie with two men YUCK !)
What is the world coming to ?
Loving bntl like a fat kid loves cake.
OJ Simpson really doesn't deserve freedom for those antics...what a goat.
Boy George got Krinked! hahaha
dear lego
you didnt seem to mind male bonding last night...why the change of heart?
yours lovingly
lego's man
^ spurned
what's a crimal?
OJ is a goon!
someone dubbed his fat balding pufty head.
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