I tried to capture to lightning ^ that's me failing.
Had a business meeting over full english today in Bricky.
Don't let your girl go Green Gate, us man were there.
Red Stipres, Mojitos and Hookahs, all in an afternoons work.
Freelance everything.
Hold tight Moses, get at me.. It's been a while.
Was meant to shoot in Richmond this afternoon, but just ended up getting drunk.. Such is life.
Shout out to Sarianna Valentine, and our rescheduling ways.
Nice pics, wish I could get drunk in the afternoon.
So this is why you dont answer calls at 10.30am. Wasteman
Even on a standard day the phone doesn't get picked up at 10:30!
It's OBSCENE to call at that time!!
Dem man are there its alot its alot!
when i finish this work placement.
i still wont get drunk in the afternoon
Nobody was drunk!!!
Not until the evening.
lol there's only one thing to do when it's raining outside... stay inside and rehydrate!
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