As sit here writing this post I’m nearly brought to tears
Due to the loss of a dear friend close to my heart, my pet gold fish named “Moesha”
(don’t watch the name, if Michael Jackson can change the colour of his skin I can call my fish Moesha )
She died yesterday of an unknown illness, though im sure post mortems will show it being to something to do with stress or old age.
Im so sad she’s been with me longer than any girlfriend I’ve ever had (which those who know me isn’t long at all haha) but she’s a extended part of me but water
I’ve watched her shit in her tank,
eat worms,
swim in circles and
even sleep.
I even remember the time she got jealous because I brought home a copy of finding Nemo.
Il only remember the good times woman, enjoy heaven and say hello to Mark for me.
look at her ! spine all tangled and shit
my baby
Maaaaaami you will be truly missed.
So for all the joy she has brought to my living room, I would just like to say thank you Moesha and rest in peace woman.
and like them American gangsters do
(though i could never be a gangster, as they dont dress as good_clips lyric) , i would like to
pour a bit of liquor in her honour (ok Evian water)
I was gonna put up the video of the spice girls, viva forever in her memory but the link seems not to be working errrghhh
hold tights
holdtight london college of fashion females, you ladies are like icing on cake !
holdtight my latest commision, arrrgrgggghhh aaaaarrrrggghhh (bird gang)
loving bntl like a fat kid loves cake
NONONONONO if you ever read my blog about dead animals you would understand why i find seeing your dead goldfish is deeply disturbing. you wouldnt post pics of a dead friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hahahaa aaw this is deep
did it start swimming upside down before it died?
RIP Moesha.
...hold up, that small fish ATE WORMS??!!!
the toilet pix were a bit much though man, didnt she deserve a proper burial?
of course witts
and i don't know if its started swimming el's . . . as i couldn't bear to watch it get flushed
and jlovely u laughing at my 2nd love . . . after u, im deeply hurt
trust me to delete my post.
would it be wrong of me to laugh?
clean toilet by the way.
ella which uni of the arts u go ? ? ?
the way i was creasing the entire way through
Sorry to hear that Lego, i feel your pain x 10... literally.
brings back bad memories...
"puff daddy" died 2 months ago, the tank aint been the same since..
Lego, I'm at London college of fashion
a fish named moesha...
loves it.
-karrie b.
My fish tank filled with my italian mafia fishies give out gun salutes to moesha. "Bang Bang Bang."
Mister Cee.
This is absolutely terrible!
*plays violin*
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