The Rouge Status selection was as you expected...a very nice all over gun print in a reflective black on grey also available in other colours but what really jumped out at me was this number:
(Dont watch the of my new camera cant come quick enough. Props to Sony Ericsson and its huge 2.0 megapixel capacity)
Anyway the reason I copped this tee is because its seems as tho Rogue Status are paying homage to one of my favourite films....'La Haine'.
This film is straight gangster. For those of you who havent watched it then iv put together a little review...
The film 'La Haine' (meaning 'Hate' in French) follows three young men around the streets of suburban france. Poverty, racial tension and unemployment are daily issues for this trio. So when the street riots start, the guys use this to release some anger against the establishment who they blame for all their problems. Soon they find themselves in a positon where they need to decide whether to take the law into their own hands or keep their noses clean.
Great film!
La Haine is epic and the soundtrack even more so. P. x
OMG-one of my top 5 movies!
co signed with the burger king crown owner above me ! ! !
i think most of you think it's cool, because it was in black and white, and it's French..and if it's one of your top 5 movies than you have obviously been neglecting your eyes, or you don't know what a great movie is. However overall a good movie (wouldn't say great), quite pretentious.
Thanks anonymous. I suppose thats why we all have our own opinions. One mans trash is another mans treasure and all that.
But for you to tell someone that they cant have a film as their favourite...thats just plain ignorant!
'Neglecting your eyes'?!!! Anonymous, have you SEEN La Haine?!! The cinematography is fucking immense! Definitely one of those films where it's safe to believe the hype.
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