misterlego: hello whose this ? actaully wait wait i need to put the head set in my ears are heating up
avarm grant: its me Avarm, did you watch the match this even misterlego ?
misterlego: no i had a link after work so missed it
avarm grant: do you know who won the match though ?
misterlego: yes i do know Chelsea, i was kept up to date by my mate
but i don't even give a fuck because you lot are still shit.
I'am gonna head for the highlights right this moment
but i heard you lot got awarded ANOTHER match deciding penalty true ?
and babel licked of Cech's head with a 35 yard shot ?
i also heard Stevie G took you for a frying pan with no handle, and barged you clean off your feet ?
avram grant: ah yes buts thats besides the point we one fair and square, we were the better team and drogba actually stayed off his ass.
misterlego: fair enough see you in the final then,
but don't think you ain't gonna be apply for JSA when the seasons over . .
avarm grant: why whats this JSA you speak of we do not have this in Israel
misterlego: oh jsa is JOB SEEKERS ALLOWANCE your gonna need it when you get FIRED, allah at me for advice with your cv and what shops to go and where to hand them out to, in a bit.
See you in 3 weeks, in Moscow
avarm grant: o what ever . . i'l see you then toodles
misterlego: (under breath) fucking cunt
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