so i thought i would put it to you lot . . .
they go like this
dream 1. I was buying four packs of Pokémon cards at a place where I was working and I got discount for them and only had to pay £20 (i dont know wjy they came to this price as i was buying the little packets but what ever)
Then I got caught with them by some woman I used to have a thing for she just looked at me in her head i know she was think how old is this dude he needs to get a grip ?.
Some next road side, tracksuit fiend, wasteman came in and then started touching her and I then realized it was her boyfriend !
Pokemon cards in hand I was baffled as to why she was with this guy. So i just styled it out like I never cared and tried my best to start talking to her normally.
Then all of a sudden some next female who used to have a thing for me walks out from no where me not wanting to see her thought fast and JUMPED behind a shelf but I wasn’t quick enough and she saw one of my legs and kicks, embarrassed at trying to avoid and getting caught i once again tried to style it out and just said to her
"nah darling I was just trying to get something from behind the shelf"
This was the size of the pokemon cards i bought
Dream 2. don’t take offense to this dream please (any females who read this),
I was there in some corridor out side some singing session (why I don’t know I cant sing to save my life) waiting for some big chest female !
When another white woman walked paste with her mother, brother and little sister the family went off and I started talking to woman who stayed behind,
within 5minutes I was fucking her right outside the class not caring !
but this isn’t the weird thing, the weird thing was the size of her fanny LOL it was HUGE I mean in diameter circumference and all of that. I couldn’t believe It i didn't clock from from the beginning she had some large camel toe. We eventually got caught by the class who including the teacher were horrified. the large chested female was shocked to
But that didn’t bother me I just kept of fucking.
Example of camel toe
Dream 3. I was just on a game show trying to win a fish tank, I had to give a soppy reason as to why I wanted the fish whilst sitting on some orange sofa in a bbc studio live on tv, I was up against a bunch of other white people and one of them was Phil Mitchell he looked so mean and scary !
he looked exactly like this so angry so mean.
now you cant even say that im going nuts because i been nuts from day . . whats happening to me ?
loving bntl like a fat kid loves cake.
Lay off the crack rocks Lego
lol nah i don't even reach for crack rocks . . .
(and im the only one who don't like the way this little box appears, when leaving a comment ? ? ?
it fucking awful i preferred when it when was still on the page)
i like it, thats why i changed it. This was you can still see the blog and the comments with out having to navigate back and forth
crack head lool
Aaah. I don't like it either and at work I've had to beat around trying to find a way to allow pop-ups maaan.
It's aiiight.
made my day too much
haha...dream 2, cheered me up abit from all the laughing.
LOL...Lego got prollems I tell you
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