Tuesday 13 May 2008

Summer... day 8?

I'm losing count, weather is STILL alot!!

Welcome to the blog to Aaron, Elijah & Kesh.

Anyway, I woke up to another clear blue sky.. And decided to make full use of it. I had already arranged to meet up with Kevin ( to take pictures of mens 'smart' shoes for an article he's doing for a GQ alternative.. So we dealt with that, and then met Alex (running on creative persons time) & Aaron (running on some next late persons time.) Jammed in the area looking for photo oppurtunities, after a little scaling etc, we found some.

We then returned to Deptford and made for Hillyfields with a football and some Red Stripes. Football was a lethargic embarassment, which culminated in the loss of our £3.99 ball. Then we hit the train lines for some more picture oppurtunities, and were apprehended by the police, who were informed that 4 males had jumped over the wall with a spray can. Had a quick chat with the boy dem, linked a Morleys and went our seperate ways. Pictures -

Some 'art' and that..
This picture probably says alot about my deep-rooted racism.


@greg_bntl said...

its a pathetic attempt I know but the quote to sum this post up would be ...
" I'm a BNTL head I take pics that excite the feds "

Kevin Lanre said...

I cannot thank you guys enough for not handing me in to the feds since I'm a wanted man and all.

Good thing the feds didn't see that rather large gang tattoo on my abdomen...I'm allergic to prison showers.

Thanks guys!

Em said...

How bloody annoying. Why does it look hotter in England right now when I live in the South of Spain? It's just not right.

Unknown said...

That top flick is the one

Anonymous said...

those set of traffic lights are crazy, nice pic matt.